Monday, December 2, 2019

The Republic of Night Review Essay Example

The Republic of Night Review Paper Essay on The Republic of Night Yesterday read Republic of Night Zotov. Had never read this author, therefore, is not burdened by the past experiences of his books. Judging by the advertising company and saying, The Republic of Night should be superbestsellera, but to my great regret is not the case. The plot of the book consists of several layers, which differ varying degrees of originality. The most original is that the world is populated by people instead of vampires, they all had a drink in a hundred years before the events described. The second layer is a detective component. The third is a description of ancient Babylon, which subsequently converge the first and second formation. And finally, the fourth layer is a social and political satire, and it is in the book is no less than a third. Lets start with the plot of the first layer. I never have I had never met, the idea of ​​the complete destruction of the people and their replacement by vampires. And it is a description of the vampire world order of life is very interesting to read. However, all the time get out parts that do not fit their world, no matter how the vampires were not sterile. At the same contradictions are found in the very logic of the behavior of vampires. Basically, I believe that vampires are promoted evil, selfish, which is absolutely alien to compassion, altruism, mutual assistance, but since no society can survive for long enough without these qualities, it is often the vampires arrive, as they should not. Examples of mass, you are familiar with them. In any case, a very original idea, which is not fully implemented We will write a custom essay sample on The Republic of Night Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Republic of Night Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Republic of Night Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second layer -. Detective, quite entangled, but unfortunately also quite predictable and formulaic. There are several interesting points, such as the ending, but only. The third layer, I liked most of all, its a few chapters describing ancient Babylon. One can feel the breath of antiquity and the style is very different from the rest of the book. Its hard to explain why I liked this part of the book, will charge it to my love of antiquities 🙂 Again, to my regret, ending badly let us down, it was clear that she wanted to bring to the mainstream. And not to write, but I will never believe that the ancients were atheists, too much they do not know to use God as a cover. Finally, the fourth layer, which I really did not like, its a satire on our reality. Satire rough and straightforward, making very recognizable and boring. And when the government starts to argue that all cattle, and politicians, full of ghouls who stuffed their pockets, it looks completely unnatural. I would like to mention another point, the author has spent a lot of work, information gathering about the different kinds of vampires and moved it in a book, so if you need a reference for vampires, you can also use this work. the psychology of the characters turned out not so hot. The protagonist is presented with a rag and mumble, chode full all the time to extricate themselves from a variety of states, thus easily revealing different secrets. The main character is so zashtampovannoe, at least send it in Cosmopolitan. The remaining roughly at the same level, except, perhaps, the chief assistant to the villain. Excellent character turned out! Literary authenticity rather low. A lot of inconsistencies in the logic of actions and in the description of the world. This is what I have already said above. The language a solid four. Well-constructed proposals, no rude designs, narrative pace pretty well kept. At five pulls, as there is no raisins, no style, which have authors such as Aldi or Dyachenko. In summary, I can say that the book of the author, I will not soon take in hand. Republic night konyukturschina! I do not know what caused the rave reviews in the press, my advice do not read The evaluation of this product on a scale you can see in my blog !

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